
Out of one’s depth

2020-10-13T09:48:12+02:00September 14th, 2020|

Out of one's depth - Especially at the current circumstances of the pandemic, many companies tend to pass on administrative and other non-sales related activities to their office-bound sales people. However, it doesn't make sense to withdraw sellers from sales just because their field of action has (temporarily) shifted from outside to inside. Sales reps [...]

Become best at the desk

2020-10-13T09:48:40+02:00September 7th, 2020|

Become best at the desk - Sales people who normally used to be in the field 4-5 days per week, are currently forced to relocate their activities to the office desk, due to COVID. In the office, they learn that sales from the desk is quite another thing than sales in the field. Questions arise [...]

Cobbler, stick to your last!

2020-10-13T09:51:32+02:00September 7th, 2020|

Cobbler, stick to your last! - During pandemia times, sales people who normally used to be in the field 4-5 days per week, are forced to relocate their activities to the office desk. And companies tend to pass administrative and other non-sales activities on to sales reps. However, sales people want and should sell. [...]

Much invested but still lost

2023-02-22T10:59:55+01:00August 27th, 2020|

Much invested but still lost! - Many companies invest a lot of money and effort in marketing campaigns, such as email blasts and product sample campaigns, without ultimately achieving the desired success. Response rates of less than 0.1% from thousands of addresses and zero responses to samples sent are not uncommon. But what are the [...]

Not the strongest survive

2020-10-13T09:46:28+02:00August 26th, 2020|

It is not the strongest individual or the most intelligent one that survive but the most responsive to change. - Due to COVID-19, as sales people we are realizing a lot of changes going on within our customers as well as in our own everyday work. When we used to be in the field 5 [...]

The danger of alcoholic sanitizers

2023-02-22T10:55:35+01:00August 24th, 2020|

[T-online, 24.08.2020] "Since Corona at the latest, many households have had hand sanitizers. These often contain a lot of alcohol. Parents should be careful not to keep the bottles open so that toddlers do not get their hands on them. Because the children drink the drugs, even small amounts can lead to alcohol poisoning, warns [...]

Harmful disinfectants in schools

2020-10-13T09:37:19+02:00July 17th, 2020|

[Mainz&, 16.07.2020] "Disinfectants are considered to be the remedy of choice in the fight against the novel coronavirus, but most chemical coshs are far from harmless: most of the conventional agents can cause severe irritations, poisonings and damages of skin, liver, lungs and nerves, warn chemists and hygiene experts – parents saw this already in [...]

Frequent Mistakes

2020-10-13T09:36:54+02:00June 25th, 2020|

[Ruhr 24, 24.06.2020] "One thing is clear - hand disinfection is not really skin-friendly. Those who have dry and brittle hands anyway, should refrain from disinfecting and wash their hands. But that is where the mistake begins. [The intact] skin is even more stressed by hand washing than by disinfecting. Therefore, [healthy skin] is better [...]

Do alcoholic disinfectants promote a relapse into alcohol addiction?

2020-10-13T09:36:20+02:00June 4th, 2020|

[modified and supplemented according to MDR Aktuell, 03.06.2020] Disinfectants often contain larger amounts of pure alcohol. This can be a  relapse risk for reformed alcoholics, especially in combination with the social isolation caused by the Corona lock-down. But also in withdrawal and rehabilitation facilities, where regular hand disinfection is part of the daily hygiene routine, [...]

Volatile ingredients of disinfectants harm your health

2020-10-13T09:35:53+02:00April 30th, 2020|

[SWR Aktuell 29.04.2020] "The scientific director of the Hamburg Environment Institute (HUI), Michael Braungart, warns against the massive use of disinfectants. This would damage health rather than protect it. For decades, we have been working to extract toxic solvents from paints, varnishes and adhesives. Now people would bring disinfectants canister-wise with dangerous ingredients into their [...]

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