[T-online, 24.08.2020] “Since Corona at the latest, many households have had hand sanitizers. These often contain a lot of alcohol. Parents should be careful not to keep the bottles open so that toddlers do not get their hands on them. Because the children drink the drugs, even small amounts can lead to alcohol poisoning, warns Hermann Josef Kahl of the Professional Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ). In young children, alcohol poisoning often has fatal consequences. It can lead to low blood sugar, convulsions, coma and even death. Confusion, vomiting and drowsiness could be signs of poisoning, the doctor said. If parents suspect that their child has swallowed the chemical, they should call the emergency doctor.” ( https://www.t-online.de/gesundheit/id_88451750/vergiftungsgefahr-desinfektionsmittel-vor-kleinkind-wegsperren.html)

Crystal Biosolutions disinfectants don’t contain any alcohol.