[SWR Aktuell 29.04.2020] “The scientific director of the Hamburg Environment Institute (HUI), Michael Braungart, warns against the massive use of disinfectants. This would damage health rather than protect it. For decades, we have been working to extract toxic solvents from paints, varnishes and adhesives. Now people would bring disinfectants canister-wise with dangerous ingredients into their houses and inhale them. It is absurd what is happening at the moment, Braungart said in the SWR. For example, isopropanol is much more harmful than drinking alcohol. It dries out the skin, which could be the basis for dermatoses and inflammation. The skin of the hands becomes brittle and cracks, the healthy skin flora is damaged, which is the best breeding ground for viruses. Microorganisms on the skin would be killed and resistance promoted. In the end, one achieves exactly the opposite of what is wanted. In addition, the solvents in the disinfectants can cause asthma and harm the lungs. In addition, some agents contain odours that produced cancer,  volatile organic hydrocarbons are nerve-damaging.” (https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/desinfektion-104.html)

Crystal Biosolutions disinfectants are not volatile and can thus not be inhaled and harming the lungs. Furthermore, they are gentle to the skin and don’t contain any allergenic or toxic ingredients.