
Have you heard about SPIN?

2020-10-21T10:26:51+02:00October 20th, 2020|

SPIN: Situation-Problem-Implication-Need are the classifications of different consecutive questions between a sales person and a  client. SPIN is not only just a questioning technique, it is not only a highly professional way to execute sales talks. SPIN does not only allow sales people to understand their customers' working situation, to disclose hidden problems with their [...]

Seven hints for a successfull sales call

2020-10-13T09:33:59+02:00October 12th, 2020|

1. Consider yourself rather a consultant, than just a seller! – Show your customer that you understand his work, know your products and demonstrate technical expertise. If you realize that a product would probably not fit your customer‘s application, don’t recommend it! 2. Before you leave, … a) … ask for references: who else of [...]

Out of one’s depth

2020-10-13T09:48:12+02:00September 14th, 2020|

Out of one's depth - Especially at the current circumstances of the pandemic, many companies tend to pass on administrative and other non-sales related activities to their office-bound sales people. However, it doesn't make sense to withdraw sellers from sales just because their field of action has (temporarily) shifted from outside to inside. Sales reps [...]

Become best at the desk

2020-10-13T09:48:40+02:00September 7th, 2020|

Become best at the desk - Sales people who normally used to be in the field 4-5 days per week, are currently forced to relocate their activities to the office desk, due to COVID. In the office, they learn that sales from the desk is quite another thing than sales in the field. Questions arise [...]

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