Dr. rer. nat. Sabine Hahnau-Jurth, CEO
After her pHD (Dr. rer. nat.) in 1993 at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (DE), Sabine built up the ELISA screening department of the ‚European Reference Laboratory for Residue Control‘ (according to 91/664 EWG) at the former ‚Federal Institute of Health Protection of Consumers and Veterinary Medicine‘ in Berlin which she headed and managed for 5 years. In 1998, she made an occupational change into free enterprise, starting a sales job with BioWhittaker Europe (BE). During her following international career at Cambrex (USA), Lonza (CH), Irvine Scientific (USA), Cook (USA), Biological Industries (IL) and Agena Bioscience (USA, DE), she filled different positions as sales manager, key account manager, team leader, bulk & OEM manager, distributor/channel manager and head of sales & marketing for Europe, India, Middle East, Russia, Africa. During these years, she completed numerous professional trainings and acquired braod knowledge and skill set in the areas of Biotechnology sales, marketing and management which she regularly passed on to her own team members and business partners. Furthermore, Sabine holds a certification as Quality Manager (TQM, DIN ISO 9004:2008) and Internal Auditor (DIN EN ISO 19011:2012). Since 2020, Sabine is dedicating her skills and experiences with large and medium sized LifeScience industries, as CEO exclusively to Crystal Biosolutions and its clients.